Woodlands - Family Communication Policy

 Family participation is an important part of making the Service a true part of the community. We believe in creating an environment that is welcoming and inclusive and supports a sense of belonging for children, families and educators.


National Quality Standard (NQS)

Quality Area 6: Collaborative Partnerships


Supportive relationships with families 

Respectful relationships with families are developed and maintained and families are supported in their parenting role 


Engagement with the service 

Families are supported from enrolment to be involved in their service and contribute to service decisions 


Parent views are respected 

The expertise, culture, values and beliefs of families are respected and families share in decision-making about their child’s learning and wellbeing.


Families are supported 

Current information is available to families about the service and relevant community services and resources to support parenting and family wellbeing.


Collaborative partnerships

Collaborative partnerships enhance children’s inclusion, learning and wellbeing.



Continuity of learning and transitions for each child are supported by sharing information and clarifying responsibilities.


Access and participation 

Effective partnerships support children's access, inclusion and participation in the program


Community and engagement 

The service builds relationships and engages with its community


Related Policies



We encourage family participation and open communication within our Service. Families are invited to attend parent information meetings and assist with projects which work in collaboration with our open-door policy.  

We aim to ensure open communication is concurrent through the enrolment and orientation process, policy review, feedback forms, parent committee, daily program, documentation, formal and informal meetings, emails and conversations. 



This policy applies to children, families, staff, management and visitors of the Service.



We understand the primary influence that families have in their children’s lives, and that effective relationships between educators and families are fundamental to achieve quality outcomes for children. Community partnerships that focus on active communication, consultation and collaboration also contribute to children’s learning and wellbeing. Positive relationships with families’ turns into a partnership as together we share a common goal and responsibility for reaching goals for children. 

We will provide regular information about the Service and continuous prospects for families to contribute to our curriculum. 


Management will ensure:

  • Families are aware of our open door unless such entry would pose a risk to the safety of children/educators or breach court orders regarding access to children.
  • Educators provide information to families regarding the content and operation of the educational program; in relation to their child and that a copy of the educational program is available for inspection at the education and care service.
  • Families have access to their child’s developmental records outlining their strengths, needs and interests and developmental progress against the framework. 
  • A weekly menu, which accurately describes the food and beverages provided each day, is displayed in a place accessible to parents.
  • Families are notified of any incident, injury, trauma or illness that occurs for their child whilst at the Service.
  • The early childhood environment has an administrative space that is adequate for the purpose of consulting with parents and for conducting private conversations and meetings.
  • Families are notified of changes to Service policies and National Regulations. 
  • The current Education and Care Services National Regulations available for parents to access
  • The enrolment and orientation process provides families with information about the philosophy, policies and practices of the Service.
  • A Parent Committee is created to encourage family involvement in the Service. 


Nominated Supervisor will:

  • Inform families about the processes for providing feedback and making complaints.
  • Be available for families on arrival and pick up to pass on feedback and information about their child’s participation in the curriculum. 
  • Encourage families to be involved in the curriculum, providing feedback, visiting the Service, bringing in items from the home environment and giving feedback on children’s emerging interests and needs.
  • Endorse continuous open and direct two-way communication with families, assisting them to feel associated with their children’s experiences, developing trust and collaboration. 
  • Provide families with a range of communication methods which will include: emails, verbal communication, communal signage in the Service, newsletters, Daily Report, Family Involvement Wall, sign-in sheets, Notice Board and notes sent home.
  • Use a communication book with families when required(for example Behaviour guidance and inclusion support plans). 


Families will:

  • Provide accurate information on enrolment and medical information forms during the enrolment.
  • Process and notify educators when any information changes. 
  • Be requested to contribute to the quality improvement progression within the Service.
  • Be encouraged to attend children’s excursions to help meet required ratios and to support their children’s knowledge of and engagement in their community.
  • Be invited to assist with working bees held at the service. 
  • Be Invited to events held periodically to help families network and develop friendships in the local community. 
  • Be asked to review the centre policies, children’s goals and routines. 
  • Be asked to complete ‘A Family Weekend’ template, which is then used in the daily curriculum.


  • Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority.
  • Guide to the Education and Care Services National Law and the Education and Care Services National Regulations 
  • ECA Code of Ethics.
  • Guide to the National Quality Standard. 
  • Early Years Learning Framework for Australia: Belonging, Being and Becoming, 2009
  • Raising Children Network – Involving parents in school and child care 
  • http://raisingchildren.net. au/articles/involving parents in school and_ childcare.html
  • Revised National Quality Standard



Policy Reviewed 


Next Review Date 

October 2017

Updated the references to comply with the revised National Quality Standard

April 2018

April 2018

Minor terminology and grammatical adjustments made to further support understanding and implementation 


Included the list of related policies

April 2019

January 2020

Branding and formatting updated

Policy links added

Service-specific information amended not affecting the delivery of policy

April 2020


Articles in this section

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