Social Media Policy (QA7) βœ…

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Woodlands - Social Media Policy

We recognise both the benefits, and challenges, of using Social Media in the early childhood setting. This policy has been developed to provide employees, families, volunteers and students with standards of use as they engage in conversations or interactions using Facebook for official, professional and personal use.


National Quality Standard (NQS)

Quality Area 7: Governance and Leadership


Service philosophy and purposes

A statement of philosophy guides all aspects of the services operations


Management Systems

Systems are in place to manage risk and enable the effective management and operation of a quality service


Roles and Responsibilities

Roles and responsibilities are clearly defines, and understood and support effective decision making and operation of the service



Effective leadership builds and promotes a positive organisational culture and professional learning community


Education and Care Services National Regulations

Children (Education and Care Services) National Law NSW


Confidentiality of records kept by the provider


Confidentiality and storage of records


Related Policies



Being part of Woodlands entails a position of trust and responsibility.  We aim to ensure that our Service, children, educators or families are not compromised in any form on Social Media and that Social Media usage complies with our Service's philosophy, relevant policies and the code of conduct.



This policy applies to children, families, staff, management and visitors of the Service.



Woodlands recognise that there are many advantages in using Social media to network within Service operations. It is important to approach usage with caution, through careful and systematic management. Whilst healthy debate provides stimulation, there are guidelines in place to ensure that Woodlands remains open and welcoming for children, families and staff.


Woodlands Facebook Account

Woodlands has a Facebook account to converse and share information with our families and community, which is administered by the Approved Provider and Nominated Supervisor.

Facebook is a social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and videos, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues.

The intent for our Service Facebook page is to:

      1. Keep in touch with what's happening at Woodlands, including upcoming and special events.
      2. Connect with other parents and share your thoughts about programs, policies and procedures.
      3. Provide an avenue to ask other parents their thoughts and help with common child-rearing issues etc.
      4. Provide educational purposes to families and employees and not for personal nature.



Staff and Educators must maintain appropriate privacy of families, employees, students, children and volunteers, including when they have obtained permission to publish content publicly.

Passwords will not be shared without authorisation from management.

Woodlands will remain up to date with any changes to Facebook, ensuring privacy setting remain up to date.

Woodlands will gain family permission prior to posting photos of children.  Photos will always remain private.


The Approved Provider or Nominated Supervisor will:

  • Obtain authorisation from a child's parents prior to posting any photos of their child to the page
  • Ensure personal information about families, children and staff is not posted on-line 
  • Ensure high privacy settings on the account
  • Ensure all passwords are kept confidential
  • Log out of Facebook when not in use and prior to leaving
  • Regularly scan online content related to the Service to ensure appropriateness
  • Adhere to our Grievance Policy and Procedures to investigate any occurrences where a person working at Woodlands may:
  1. Posts photos or information about the Service or children
  2. Defames harasses or bullies any other person who works at Woodlands, or is connected to the Service.
  3. Ensure that any staff or educator found guilty of any Facebook misconduct may result in termination of employment.


The Approved Provider, Nominated Supervisor, educators, staff members, volunteers and students will not:

  • Access personal Facebook accounts on any workplace device.
  • Access personal Facebook accounts whilst educating and caring for children.
  • Post any photos taken of the children enrolled at the service on their personal Facebook account.
  • Vilify, harass or bully any other person who works at Woodlands, family or community member connected to the Service.
  • Post offensive or derogatory comments or information that could bring their professional standing or that of the Service into disrepute.
  • Use their personal camera or phones to take photos or video while at the Service.


Personal Facebook Account

Staff members are to use their own personal discretion when adding a family of Woodlands as a 'friend' on Facebook. Woodlands does not recommend staff to add families of Woodlands as they will be seen still as a representative of Woodlands and held to the Woodlands’ Code of Conduct on all posts to their private wall. It is extremely important not to post information about the Service, children or families on personal social media accounts.

Families are asked to respect that staff may have a personal policy on adding families due to their professional philosophy and that Woodlands does not recommend staff to have families as friends on their private account.

Educators will adhere to relevant policies, including the code of conduct of the service.


Consequences for inappropriate conduct

For inappropriate conduct to be lawful, there is a need to demonstrate a connection between the behaviour and the employment relationship that:

  • Is likely to cause serious damages to the relationship between the employee and employer
  • Damages the employer's interest
  • Is incompatible with the employee's duties as an employee

 A person who has been involved in inappropriate conduct may require reprimand as per our Code of Conduct Policy. This may lead to termination of their position. 



  • Australian Children's Education & Care Quality Authority
  • Guide to the Education and Care Services National Law and the Education and Care Services National Regulations
  • Revised National Quality Standard 
  • ECA Code of Ethics.
  • Guide to the National Quality Standard.
  • Human Services: 
  • The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 
  • Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011



Policy Reviewed


Next review Date

August 2017

Major changes to the policy with the additional specifications to ensure a clear and precise understanding of expectations

August 2018

October 2017

Updated references to comply with the revised National Quality Standard

August 2018

August 2018

Changes made to outline consequences for inappropriate conduct and compliance with privacy laws

August 2019

October 2019

Branding added and name change from Facebook Policy to Social Media Policy 

Minor grammatical and formatting changes

July 2020


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